Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Youtube Budget Contest

Win $300 in our Youtube Budget Contest

We are doing a contest to encourage youth to learn more about creating and sticking with a budget.  Youth between 15 and 21 years old who live in the Rocky Mountain House trade area, or are a Rocky Credit Union member, can create a video from 2 minutes to 5 minutes in length talking about why it is important to have a budget and how to create a budget, and that video could win $300 and other prizes.

Contest Poster (440 kb)
Contest Submission Form (324 kb)

The videos will be judged on the value of the content and the creativity in how the information is presented.

Deadline for Submissions is January 15, 2010.  Winners will be announced at our Annual General Meeting on Feb 1, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Have you been to this site? http://www.getsmarterwithfunnymoney.ca

    It has some pretty funny stuff about money on it.


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