A credit score is a pretty important thing. It will determine if you can borrow to buy a vehicle or home, and will influence the amount of interest you will pay on that loan. To the lending institution, the credit bureau (or report) tells them if you are financially responsible, if you make your payments on time, and if you are a good risk or a poor risk for a loan. The credit score ranges from 300 to 900, with 900 being perfect. 720 is considered good, while scores below that usually require more collateral and can pay higher rates. Most financial institutions will not lend at all when a score is below 620.

Credit reports from any of the major reporting companies show a history of your credit use over as much as a ten year period. A report begins with identifying information, including your name and social security number, current and former addresses. Next is a list of creditors and your payment history with them, and ratings of your credit use.
Look carefully at each part of your report and note any errors. Incorrect demographic information can make it impossible for your own report to be found. This can cause real problems when you apply for a loan, an insurance policy, or in some cases a job.